Saturday, June 9, 2007

Polo With Jeans

Today will be the first day of my Great Singapore Sale. Due to the nature of my job, I do not have to wear smartly, hence I'm mostly in tees with jeans. I will prefer to wear something a little more formal but yet comfortable enough so as not to impede my work. A Polo with Jeans combination seems to fit the bill.

It looks really cool and to think I use to associate Ralph Lauren with oldies or maybe I'm becoming an oldie myself.

My Shopping List For Today.
- Polo Shirt
- Belt
- Cuffs
- Shoes

My challenge now is to look for the correct combination and the best bargain.

Polos comes stripped or solid colors. I already have a blue stripped on white polo from Abercrombie and intend to buy another two more. (White, Stripped Red or Light Brown).

I will stick to the canvas belt in the picture. A pale white or light brown will also do.

Wrists cuffs. I have something in mind from Chinatown. A touch of Asian flavor will be nice.

Shoes are my biggest headache, I already have a pair of white Puma Sneakers and I don't want to buy another pair of white ones. After browsing through other sites, a pair of light brown sneakers seems nice as well.

While I took the idea from Ralph Lauren, it is too expensive for me unless they have a sale. Looking good in your clothes is important but not burning a hole in your wallet is equally important as well. Hence always find a right balance between looking good and being practical. My job involves some manual labor and there will always be a chance that I might dirty my clothes so no way will I buy a $100 polo.

Hey where's the jeans? Buying the perfect jeans is not easy, it differs from every individual. I will delicate another day just for jeans but that doesn't mean I won't be trying anything on today.

I will probably not buy everything stated here today. I'm kind of a fussy shopper but still I intend to return home with something.